Friday, 30 September 2011

Just a Glossy Magazine?

I am feeling the urge to have a moan.
This has come about from the very regular occurrence of travelling on the train and reading the discarded papers and magazines.

I am a Woman. I love; fashion, books, films, theatre, horoscopes and dare I say it the odd snippet of celeb gossip.  I generally like ‘Women’s Magazines’, but after reading both a magazine aimed at Men and a magazine aimed at Women today on the train, I cannot help but feel a little bit short changed at the women’s offering.

OK I get that I am not your typical girly girl, but who is?! 

Most of the women I know have diverse interests, from technology, sport, crafting, fitness, cooking, film, holidays, and health.  And although many of the female centred topics are covered, other things are very often absent or are provided with only with the occasional feature piece.

Surely I cannot be the only Woman in the world who is interested in technology?! 

Every woman I know has a Mobile phone (most of them are smart phones), most have mp3 players too, women use desktops, lap tops and iPad’s, women use social networking, online shopping, watch you tube, use freaking hair dryers and hair straighters!

So where is the technology section in women’s magazines?

I don’t want to stereotype (realising I just have in the paragraph above) but women ARE interested in technology, but not necessarily in the same way men are.  I love good tech, but I want it to look good as well as do a great job.  I want my new TV to compliment the decoration on my lounge not dominate it (when was the last time you saw a layout in the home section that included a TV and surround sound as well as awesome cushions?), but I also want future proof technology, a fantastic picture quality and great sound.

The technology industries need Women!  They need our points of view our ideas, creative thinking, leadership, and our brains.  I teach IT, and I hear so many women who say  ‘I let my boyfriend/husband/kids do that for me’ its completely frustrating, technology is for everyone, not just the man of the house or your kids.

Where is the sport section? 

Why are we not using the medium to promote women’s sport?  I don’t mean the ubiquitous Pilates or Yoga, but where is the coverage of women’s football? Rugby? Tennis? Athletics? Cycling?

We are constantly told that sport is good for us, physically, socially and emotionally, so why is it that I see so little of women’s sport being promoted?  It is male sports that dominate the TV schedules and sports pages, why can’t the balance be redressed a little?  And why cant this be redressed ain a publication that is aimed at women?

Surely if these magazines are about empowering women to be rounded and informed individuals, why-oh-why only keep those women informed about typically female centred topics?

If men’s magazines can have fashion and grooming (read beauty) pages why can’t women get technology and sport pages?

Rant Over.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Weekly Meeting (Originally Posted 25th July 2011 on Facebook)

Activity was the topic of this weeks meeting, and in all of my mini posts I don't think this is a topic I have ever addressed.
Now I can't remember the statistic (I'm sure my leader has it somewhere), but gold members who have incorporated activity in to their lives are more likely to keep the weight off in the long term. We also know that exercise is good for us, it increases the body's ability to burn calories, strengthens bones and keeps your heart and lungs healthy. Also exercise and the boost of endorphins exercise gives you can boost your mood and exercise has been 'prescribed' by Doctors to patients with depression and mood disorders to help with symptoms.
With all of these pros why then do so many of us try to avoid it?  There are so many excuses that you can use to try to justify why you don't exercise, time, money, energy, injury, self consciousness, chafing (!). But there is always something you can do.  Remember a bigger muscle mass means you burn more calories (even when you're just sitting down). So come on folks share with us all what exercise you do, and what are you going to do to 'do more than you've done before'?
Me, well I have always walked, but as my job is changing I am becoming more sedentary so here is what I do and here is my pledge.
I did ... Go jogging twice a week and walk 5 mile a day
I do ...  Zumba once a week and walk 3 miles a day
I will ... Return to go jogging twice a week, continue to go to Zumba once a week, and aim to walk a longer route home from work to increase my daily mileage.
How about you?

Remember Onwards and Downwards, Rock on losers!

Weekly Meeting (Originally Posted 18th July on Facebook)

As my though for the week I want you guys to think about what you have noticed about yourselves since losing weight (as part of the challenge or just generally)?  Our bodies will often fell different or look different even though we may not always see it on the scale. 

I have noticed a few things over the past couple of months

1.  My face is definitely thinner.  OK it is moon shaped at the best of times, but my double chin has definitely reduced.

2.  I am fitter, my cardiovascular fitness is much better, I can actually run!

3.  My legs have got smaller.  They are my problem area and always will be, but my fat knees are not quite so fat any more.
How about you?  What have you noticed that has changed/is changing?  How does that make you feel?

Remember Onwards and Downwards, Rock on losers!

Weekly Meeting (Originally Posted 27th June 2011 on Facebook)

I wrote a couple of weeks ago about keeping in mind the reasons why you started and after having a chat with a couple of people at today's meeting and I thought I would share with you again my 'before' picture. This is me at my brothers wedding in August 2008. This isn't me at my heaviest this is me half a stone lighter; I embarrassed to say I weight nearly 18 St in this photo.

In the grand scheme of things I have not lost a massive amout of weight, I still have loads to lose, but I have changed massively since that picture was taken.
Physically I struggle to recognize myself; I am 4 dress sizes smaller that I am on that picture.

But also emotionally and mentally I am in a total different place. I am more positive, I treat myself with more respect, I don't abuse my body with food any more, I am less conscious of what other people think of me, I like myself more.

I have also realized that I have some fantastic friends, granted I may not see some of them very often, but they are there when I need them. There are many of you who are reading this who I have met through WeightWatchers that I now consider my friends. I want to thank you all so much for making my life in Colchester that little bit brighter and bearable.

WeightWatchers has changed my life, and I am not talking about the number on the scales.

For those of you who are struggling, I want you to think about what being a member of WeightWatchers has done for you, remember the person you were when you first walked in to your very first meeting?

For me WeightWatchers is about a hell of allot more than just my weight, don't just focus on the numbers. 

Remember Onwards and Downwards, Rock on losers!

Weekly Meeting (Originally Posted 20th June 2011 on Facebook)

Now I know some of you have lost a bit of MoJo and motivation (me included), so lets put a few things in perspective shall we.
I only lost 1Lb this week!” – If you lost 1 Lb every week for a year you will have lost 52 Lbs!  Do you know how much that is?  3 Stone 10 Lbs!  That is a massive amount of weight, that is the weight of a small child… Another person!  That is fantastic, as well as being healthy and sustainable weight loss.

I only lost ½ Lb this week!” – If you lost ½ Lb every week for a year you will have lost 26 Lbs! Do you know how much that is?  1 Stone 12 Lbs!  That is a fantastic loss

If your finding it tough (like we all do from time to time) in age old WW style,
Stop.  Rest.  Assess.

Why do you want to loose weight?  Be honest with your self.  If you cannot be honest to yourself, who can you be honest to?

I am going to be honest with you. Why do I want to loose weight? 

I do not want to be on my own forever, I have horrible thoughts of being a little old lady with no one to look after me or love me, I am (nearly) 30 years old and my singledome is a family joke and I really don’t find it funny anymore, there are only so many jokes about being a lesbian/artificial insemination/adopting Chinese babies that I can take and I feel like a freak.  Please no sympathetic messages about “oh but you are such a lovely person” etc, If I can’t love my fat bits how can I expect some one else to?  You can call me shallow, but there it is out for everyone to see.

Remember WeightWatchers is not a diet it is a healthy eating plan, it is not a quick fix. It is about making you healthier, more active and ultimately slimmer.

So on that bombshell on to my inspirational quote of the week;

“You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance. 
Lee Iacocca

Come on folks lets move on from the past and on to the future, strap yourselves in and enjoy the ride!

Weekly Meeting (Originally Posted 16th May 2011 on Facebook)

Weekly Meeting: 16/05/2011

Planning (Please excuse the length of this post, once I started this I realized that I had so much to say I couldn’t stop)
This week's meeting topic was about planning, and how this can help with your weight loss as well as life in general.
Having talked about planning meals many times before in meetings I don't really think I have much to add. What I got from this weeks meeting was about planning things other than my food. However what I think is something pertinent is talking about finding time to plan. Planning to plan so to speak. One of the members who weighed in with me on Sunday said something to me on this very point and I feel a bit disappointed that she didn't stay to the meeting. No matter dedicated you Are if you are not prepared (mentally and well as physically) if is difficult to actually make progress with your weight loss goals.
So other than our meals what other plans is it good to have in motion?

Shopping Lists:

OK a boring and obvious one but actually perfectly valid. If you only have 'good' foods in the house it can be difficult (not impossible) to cheat, if you only have enough good to last for the next week if you eat it you go hungry the following day. You don't necessarily even really need to know what you are going to cook when you prepare your shopping list (unless you want to cook something specific)
For example, on my shopping list (I keep a note on my phone) I have a list of basics I always buy and with which (and the content of my store cupboard) I can whip up a healthy and tasty meal in a few minutes. With chicken breasts, tinned tomatoes, and various herbs and spices I can make curries, pasta sauces and bakes, casseroles and roasts, as well as many other concoctions. By taking a few minutes to remember the basics means that I am not wasting time and money buying things I don't need and that take up unnecessary points.


Having talked about walking and the some times impromptu nature of walking as a form of exercise I got to thinking about planning more exercise in my week. With the nature of my work I clock up allot of miles on the converse, at least 5 miles per-day, but as WW new strap line is do more than you did before I cannot rely on this as being the soul form of exercise. Therefore planning your day bit more efficiently can mean you can add bonus PP.  Arranging to meet a friend for lunch at a location a little way away from the restaurant so you need to walk there, catch up with a friend whilst walking the dog rather than over coffee and a muffin, arrange to give others lifts to exercise classes (if they are relying on you wouldn’t it be mean to cancel just because you ‘don’t fancy it’?)

Goals: OK this possibly overlaps with other topics, but are setting your self goals making plans of some sort?  Something I used to do (and something I am going to start again) is using my Membership card to plan for special events.  I would highlight boxes for things such as weddings, parties, and birthdays to show me at a glance what I am aiming for.  Also the converse is also true, I will write down events or activities that may mean that sticking to the plan may be difficult and I can highlight the weeks where I may SS or gain, so that if/when it happens I am prepared.

Finding time to plan:

It strikes me that what puts people off planning it the impression that you need tp do it meticulously and it takes loads of time.  For some people it does, but quite frankly I would hate it if I spent hour upon hour making lists and plans of things to do.  So I am going to go over what I do and hopefully it might give you some ideas.

1.  My Phone:  Even before the fancy new iPhone I used it to make notes, shopping lists, things to do reminders.  There are always those times of the day when we are waiting in a queue, sitting on the bus, standing at a bar trying not to make eye contact with anyone when waiting for a friend, even if its 5 minutes make the most of the time which may be otherwise wasted on Angry Birds.  Most people have there phone with them most of the time, who says you have to use it for just calls and texts?

2.  Bed time:  I love my bed, I love sitting in it I love laying in it, most things are better when conducted from bed.  For me that includes tracking.  When I am feeling good and in control of my weight loss one habit that seems to keep me going is sitting in bed 10/15 minutes before settling down to sleep and planning the following day

3.  WW Meeting:  Who gets to their WW meeting early?  Other than sitting and chatting, skimming through your week, drinking cups of tea, sucking on mint humbugs or eating BBQ snacks, do you generally not have a couple of minutes to kill when you are waiting for the talk to begin?  Do you generally have your WW folder with you?  Your tracker/track book? Your WW buddies to give some inspiration and a kick up the bum?

What is stopping you from taking a couple of these minutes and setting your self some goals/making shopping list/planning a couple of evening meals/schedule a walk with a friend?  I’m not saying forgo your social chat (that’s often my favorite bit) but you can always find ways and means.

My final point I wish to make about planning is about telling people your plans. 

I find If I make my plans/goals public (either in WW meetings, through Facebook, talking to others) it makes me feel more accountable.  Just letting someone else know that I am planning to go for a jog, or that I am planning to save my weeklies for a night out, makes me feel I should carry out my plans.  I know that I am not necessarily going to be called on it by others, but just the thought that someone may ask how my run went and I have to reply I didn’t go because I was feeling lazy is actually motivating, if a little bit weird.

You do not have to plan to be successful, but I think it helps. 

Personally even if it’s sketchy I feel more motivated and in control when I have an idea what I am doing (in life as well as with food) from day to day.  When I don’t plan things go wrong.  When things go wrong I eat badly.  When I eat badly Alan (my food baby) gets bigger.

I am going to stop now.

So what do you plan?  How do you do it?  How do you find time to plan?

Weekly Meeting (Originally Posted 1st May 2011 on Facebook)

Weekly Meeting: 
(Now before I begin I just want to let you all know I am fully aware that this meeting was all about promoting the WW website and associated eSource, WW is a business after all!)

Following on from the meeting a couple of weeks ago and discussing the different online support mechanisms that we have available to us it got me to thinking about what I use to help and support me and why I don’t make better use of the facilities I have available to me.

1.  The WW website:  I used to be a monthly pass holder and as I got free eSource would use the WW website all of the time.  Since being a clerk I have used the website less and less, mainly because the tracking and weight loss tools are no longer available.  However there are things that you can use on the website for free for example the community.  I have to say I am not too good with online communities mainly because I generally find other people irritating or stupid (There are a number of exceptions).  But I should really start to breakdown my preconception and utilize this more, as for every inane comment or question there are any number of insightful and helpful posts.  The WW website also has plenty of recipes that you can get access to without the need to shell out any cash.

2.  Weight Watchers R Us Facebook Page:  I created this page to offer help and support for my weight watchers buddies, as I know perfectly that some of my Facebook friends get fed up seeing their newsfeed being filled up with food and exercise and related posts.  In many ways this little group has been a life saver, I can post asking questions about the PP in certain foods.  I can confess if I have had a bad day or week, I can rant about things, and I can ask for support.  In the early days I would post frequently.  But this too I have waned, and as I have reduced on my use as my Mojo has lessened. 

Now I have been thinking about the amount I have used these things, and generally when things have been going well i.e. when I have been tracking and losing and I am not sure if because I have posted less I have lost my mojo, or because I have lost said mojo I have posted less?  If that makes sense?!

I really did have a think about it, so I needed to act on it.  I go myself an e-source code, OK I have to pay for it, but working it out my Clarks fees just about pay for it over the month.  I have been using it all of the time, either on my PC at work or on my phone.

I have also been posting more on the group (as you can probably tell).  When I need encouragement or need to confess.

What has the result been? 

Well week one, I tracked my socks off despite the fact I wasn’t really following the plan.  I wasn’t in the place mentally to go for it.  However despite going over by about 124 PP I only put on ½ lb.  This tracking really kick started me to follow the plan last week, and the result?  3lbs off!

Although I can’t say I am completely back in the zone, I am feeling much more in control, and positive about my weight loss and I can actually lose it and (more importantly) keep it off.
So I guess the answer to my question is by using the tools it boosts my mojo, and the more mojo I have the more I use the tools, a self perpetuating cycle?

Hormones (Originally Posted 26th April 2011 on Facebook)

I am indulging in a much deserved week off, I had been planning to make sure that my week off began with a lovely healthy breakfast, followed by a morning of activity followed by a pot of tea watching an old movie.

However with rising on Monday morning very early, I popped out to pick up some breakfast goodies. Gone went my need for exotic fruits, granola and honey in came chocolate croissants and a chocolate bar.

Despite my (halfhearted) attempts my urge for chocolate this week has been insatiable; I could quite happily polish off more if I had any less self control.

I was thinking about why good intentions went out of the window, and why my body wasn’t playing ball, then it dawned on me it coming up to that time of the month, and my hormones are all over the place.

This got me to thinking, how much are monthly cravings down to hormones and how much is it down to mood? I have looked at a number of articles trying to make sense of TOTM cravings and actually I couldn’t find anything too scientific, just options’. Theories include iron deficiency, vitamin and mineral deficiency, mood enhancers, comfort eating, energy boosters.

Taking these theories in to consideration I have been thinking about why do I have cravings at the TOTM?

1. Comfort: It is not going to come as a surprise that I comfort eat. At that time of the month I can suffer with monster mood swings (less so than when I was younger) and I do often feel really down. Chocolate fills that emotional hole when I am feeling sorry for myself and I am worried I will die alone never to be loved (I mean that semi seriously).

2. Energy: I often feel that I could sleep for England at the TOTM and I will often turn to sugary snacks when I am experiencing an energy slump. Jelly tots and skittles being particular favorites.

So what have I learnt from this and how can I get around these cravings? Well simply tracking and making allowances for my urges will be the first place to start. Actually jelly tots and skittles are not too heavy on points and can be slipped in to my daily points with a bit of forward planning.

Now the chocolate issue. This is a bit harder, as I have already switched my chocolate choices to the less point heavy, and when an urges reaches me I eat loads! Now the best way to look at this is that yes I have made smart choices, and if I was not on WW the damage would be much greater than if I was eating ‘proper’ chocolate bars, but that doesn’t really help me.

One of the things I have gleaned through my internet trawling is that Dark Chocolate can be quite good for you. Full of Iron, Zinc and anti oxidants. It also has the same mood altering affect that milk chocolate has. Dark chocolate also has a stronger flavor than milk, and I can only eat a fraction of the quantity that I may devour if it was milk chocolate. Dark chocolate though not perfect (it can contain a larger quantity of fat) I think should be the way to go and prevent a chocolate massacre.

So the 2 things I have learnt

1. Plan and track: Weightwatchers does not ban any food and you can eat what you like as long as you plan and track.

2. Quality not Quantity: Good quality Dark chocolate should hopefully quell my urge to eat chocolate but without the need to eat vast quantities.
Anyone else experience cravings? How do you deal with them?

Meeting Topic: Easter Challenges (Originally Posted 11th April on Facebook)

Due to the car crash that was our meeting on Sunday (no offense Sue nothing to do with you) I thought I would post a well over due ‘Post Meeting round up’

From what I could Gather, and I could well be very wrong, Sundays meeting was about dealing with the challenges that Easter throws at us.

I have to say unlike something like Christmas I don’t really have that much of a problem with Easter as such, it is the pro and succeeding bank holidays that are the problem. 

So what are my Challenges?

  1. Easter Eggs?:  I am quite lucky in the fact that being 29 I do not get an awful lot of Easter eggs bought for me.  In the past possibly my mum may have bought me one, but that isn’t possible this year.  Do I buy myself an Easter egg?  An overpriced shell of dairy milk?  No.  Will I buy myself an Easter egg in the sales after Easter, quite possibly, but not actually an Easter challenge.
  2. Hot cross buns?:  Lovely little spiced numbers that if you argued correctly you could say it contained one of your five a day (I am currently preparing my argument).  At 5/6 points each these can be point’s busters, but do I find them a challenge over Easter?  No actually, 1 per day is fine for me; I buy the nice ones that are lovely and rich so it is more than enough.
  3. Easter lunch?:  It’s a Sunday roast!  Surely I have been a member of WW long enough to know how to deal with one of those, NEXT!
  4. Bank Holiday binges?:  OK this is where my problem may lie, I love a bank holiday, and weather I will be in Colchester or Ipswich, I use them as an opportunity to catch up with friends. 
I go out for lunch, coffee, dinner and drinks.  I am a social animal (How will I meet the man of my dreams whilst stuck in the house) and at no point am I going to tell myself to stay at home, it’s not like I go out a lot anyway!

 How to Deal with the Bank Holiday Binges?

Plan ahead:  If I know I am going to eat out, snack on 0PP fruit and veg.  Look at the menu before you go and make wise choices.

Use the 49:  Not that I particularly keep hold of them, but I have them and will use them!

Earn bonus points:  An easy one for me as I feel I have been walking my butt off and I have been averaging 10PP per day.  And a beer tastes that much nicer when you have earnt it.

Alternate:  Alternate your fave tipple with a 0PP soft drink, not only does it save PP, it also helps with the hang over!

Kicking the Habit (Originally Posted 7th February 2011 on WeightWatchers UK)

Meeting Topic: Habits
This weeks meeting topic was about habits, and it got me to thinking about the habits I have developed since starting WW and bad habits I have yet to kick.

I am the first person to state that I am a rubbish weight watcher. I really am, most other people would be at goal already, but here I am two pounds lost, then one back on. Many people would question why if I am sooo rubbish, would I still bother turning up every week? Well although I am rubbish WW has helped me develop some healthy Habits;

1. Going to WW Meetings: Who would have thought I would enjoy getting up early on a Sunday morning?! Going to meeting s is no doubt now a habit, even when I am not in the same town I make the effort to get on the train to head back for my Sunday morning meeting. If nothing else it means that I am not at home eating lol.

2. Drinking skimmed milk: I have had this for so long now I do not think I could ever go back, it is now automatic. Gone are the days I would race my brother and sister to the kitchen to see who would get the top of the milk on their frosties.

3. The Sunday Coffee: Sunday is my day; once the meeting is over I take a walk in to town and head to Costa for a skinny cappuccino. This may not sound like the best habit in the world, but it is what I do there that is. I am usually there for about an hour, and I read my ‘your week’, and then sit and plan my meals for the week, writing a shopping list as I go, and then write down my ideas for my upcoming blog post. It’s relaxing and proactive at the same time. On those Sundays I don’t manage my coffee, I often don’t manage to plan, make a shopping list or actually do any shopping, which mean I then end up eating what ever ready mean I end up finding at Tesco Metro on my way home from work.

I do have some habits that have been hard to shift and I am not sure how I am going to do it;

1. Emotional eating: When I am upset or stressed, food is my comfort. Granted I have been much better but I cannot currently get over it. I don’t have enough emotional support to be able to say I will no longer binge eat when I am feeling unhappy or stressed.

2. Not eating Lunch: I often just don’t have time, but I should try to make some more difficult though it may be. Although it is easy to think I am saving points by not eating during the day, not eating lunch mean I am very hungry when I get home from work. In turn this often means I do not make the best food choices when I get home, snaking on something accessible (and high in points) whilst I am making my dinner.

As well as my existing habits I was also thinking about things I should be doing, and habits I should work on developing.

1. Exercise:
I need to develop a habit to exercise more and regularly. A habit takes 30 days to form apparently so I need to think of something that I can do on a daily basis.

2. Eating Fruit: Yes I do love fruit, but when it comes down to it I would rather snack on Haribo than on fruit (despite its 0pp). Eating fruit as a snack is still not appealing to me and it is a habit I need to develop if I want to be any good at this WW lark.

There are so many habits that I have that are sabotaging my weight loss efforts, my next challenge is to try and change them for habits that are going to support my effort to change.

My Achievements this (and last) week (Originally Posted 6 February 2011 on WeightWatchers UK)

My Achievements this (and last) weekDidn't post last week due to work and general feeling rubbishness so reapped on previous week as well

1. Work. Had our first audit of the year, and sailed through, I worked my **** off and I bloody well deserve a bit of recognition.

Challenges this week
1. TOTM last week. And Oh god did I know it, all I wanted to eat all week was Carbs; bread, pasta, potatoes, not things that I ever eat on a regular basis.

2. Emotional eating. Bad news this week and I turned to food, or more specifically I turned to Doritos and Malteaser Bunnies. Since moving to Colchester I have found I am more prone to doing his. Not being in the bosom of my family when crises occur really affects me, when I need a hug there isn’t anyone at home to turn to (for any one who has seen my housemates will understand). Therefore this is when chocolate helps.

3. I’ve put on 2lbs the past 2 weeks, all a bit **** but understandable considering the above mentioned Doritos and Malteaser Bunnies (god I love them).
Things that made me happy

My Mum is finally been allowed out of hospital after 4 weeks. She will be having her treatment at home, and it makes so much of a difference not having to go in to a Cancer ward every time I want to see her.

2. I am looking quite hot today LOL. Whilst walking through town I caught a glimpse of my self and though I looked good. Unfortunately no one else noticed during my shopping my trip ;)

3. Shopping. I have been shopping again and purchased a significant quantity of underwear, in fact I would go so far to describe it as lingerie. God knows why, there is no one to appreciate it other than myself. But if there is one thing that makes a woman feel good about themselves, its attractive matching underwear.

Forgot my weigh in photo again today, and I was looking especially good today!

My Achievements This Week (Originally Posted 23rd January 2011 on WeightWatchers UK)

1. Lost 3lbs at weigh in this week. I am really happy with the loss (I am usually a pound a week type of gal) and it makes up for the disappointment I had at weigh in last week. Back to Pre Christmas weight!

2. I have been back in my petite trousers rather than just the short ones. The petite ones are cut a little snugger, so it’s nice to feel I have achieved something tangible.

3. No ready meals have passed my lips this week! A big achievement considering I have often relied on these things to keep me going, especially after a rough day of work. I have cooked from scratch 5 days this week, and I have to say I have not had a failure this week.
I have looked at the (very) skinny house mates meals, which are all pre-prepared microwave meals and thought that what I have rustled up has looked much nicer and nutritious. I am a culinary genius.

4. I am tracking my socks off, even when I don’t really want to know how naughty I have been, I have still tracked. Belgian Bun 11 PP, Star Bar 10 PP shocking but needed, I don’t want to fall in to the trap of only tracking the ‘good’ food and then being shocked when I have a pitiful loss or a SS.

Challenges this week
1. Resisting the alluring charm of Mr. Kipling and his friends. Daddy Bird has a very large collection of exceedingly good cakes in the cupboard and sometimes it can be a major act of will power to resist cherry bakewells and angel slices.

2. Work… Knackering and frustrating, nuff said

Things that made me happy

1. When meeting my sister, BIL and Nephew for lunch on Saturday, my nephew was so excited to see me he ran up to me and gave me a massive hug. It’s nice to know someone looks forward to seeing me!

2. I have received a number of compliments about my lovely new jumper that I purchased in the sales, even my boss noticed.

Forgot my weigh in photo today, so I have chosen a photo of my favorite treat I had during the week. Who says WeightWatchers is boring?!

Is 29 enough? (Originally Posted 19th January 2011 on WeightWatchers UK)

Well obviously for health and weight loss yes it is, 29 Pro Points a day Is the minimum that anyone will ever have, but really, is it enough?

I am of an age, height and weight to enjoy a whopping 34 pro points per day. I eat them all, every last one. I eat my activity points, I eat my weekly points. I eat anything I can, and I have been wondering as I get older and lighter (hopefully not shorter) how I would cope dropping 5 PP.

I mean 5pp is pretty significant especially if you are like me, and enjoy a naughty treat.

Well today I thought I would give it a bash and actually it’s not been too bad!

Here is my Menu for today.
Breakfast· Muller Light Vanilla 2
· 25g Honey Granola 3
· Blue Berries 0
Lunch· Rice Crispy Square 3
· Frazzles 3
· Apple 0
· x2 Satsumas 0
Dinner· Salmon Fillet 6
· Pesto 1
· Sweet Potato 4
· Veg 0
· Cherries in Juice 0
Snacks· Rich Toffee Bar 2
· 10 Olives in Brine 2
· Fruit Smoothie (1/2 pint Milk) 2
Drinks· Milk for Tea x 4 Cups 1
· SF Squash x 2 0

Total 29

OK my lunch was a bit rubbish, but it almost always is. I have still not figured out the best way to spend my Pro Points at lunch time on something that is filling and portable.

But other than my pitiable lunch I think I have done pretty well, I have not been hungry and feel satisfied, and I have made pretty healthy choices.

Would I want to do it every day… Well no, of course not.
Activity points and Weekly points are there for a reason, I think it would make me very boring if I didn’t go out and have a drink with friends or enjoy a meal at a restaurant. Yes I can do it and I feel better knowing that I can, but I am going to make the most of the points I have whilst I can!

My Achievements this week (Originally Posted 16th January 2011 on WeightWatchers UK)

1. I am feeling very smug with myself as I cooked 4 times this week, with proper ingredients, and had some great dinners – I forgot how much better it feels to eat fresh healthy food rather than relying on Tesco’s/M&S ready meals

2. I have worn make up twice this week, which is above my previous average of 0. I don’t think it makes too much of a difference just stops me looking very rough as opposed to a bit rough, lol.

3. I have eaten my 5 a day, 5 days this week. I didn’t make it yesterday mainly because I wasn’t at home most of yesterday, however I am sure my special chow mein had at least of one of my 5 a day.

4. I (accurately) tracked all week, absolutely everything, even the 20 points I used on Baileys (yes I know naughty). I stayed within my points allowance all week and managed to include Baileys, x2 bottles of larger, sweeties and a bacon roll at work.
Challenges this week
1. It has been a rough week emotionally with my Mum being in Hospital, mainly because I am not there to see her. It is one of those occasions where I would previously have turned to jaffa cakes for support, but I have tried to steer away from emotional eating. I have not been 100% successful, but I have made better choices (olives instead of chocolate, 4 squares of chocolate instead of the whole bar).

2. Work… Knackering and frustrating, nuff said

3. I only lost ½ pound at weigh in. I was really disappointed, and was on the point of feeling de-motivated, but I am going to see it off next week, I am determined.
Things that made me happy
1. My leader Sue gave all us clerks a bracelet for our Christmas box, love mine.

2. I was complimented on my hair. I do have fantastic hair I must say, but I am not blessed with the ability to venture outdoors and still have fantastic looking locks, I generally look like I have been dragged through a bush. I was at the time indoors so I am sure it was well deserved

3. Whilst looking for a new set of work out clothes I managed to pick up a couple of bargains at TK Maxx. I was impressed to pick up a LK Bennett skirt which was originally £125 for a measly £7 and a nice new dress for £18. I have gone from emotional eating to emotional shopping.

Attached is my Weigh Day photo, a bit rubbish as I needed to take it myself, but you get the idea.

Have a good week!

A Lady That Lunches...(Originally Posted 10th January 2011 on WeightWatchers UK)

I have always been a lady that lunches. I enjoy meeting friends and heading for a bite to eat and a glass of wine in the afternoon, I love Panini’s, sandwiches, jacket potatoes, pizza, salads and all day breakfasts. This is all well and good on a weekend or a holiday, but what about everyday?

I love the flexibility of weightwatchers but I am struggling to find a ‘style’ of lunch that suits my needs. I very often travel with my job, this means I need to take my lunch with me, but as I don’t drive it needs to be light and portable as I carry ALOT of stuff with me. Sandwiches are boring pitas are dry; soup is a bit too wet to eat on the bus.

I am sure it’ll happen as I become more familiar with the new plan, it’ll be easier, but at the moment pre-packed fruit and rice crispy squares are my life savers.

Other than the Lunch issue I am loving the new plan. I am feeling positive and motivated, and I am ACTUALLY tracking, and I feel in control.

For those of you who are interested I have added a screen print of today’s tracker.

Any interesting and portable lunch ideas will be greatly appreciated.

11 Things for 2011... (Originally Posted 9th January 2011 on WeightWatchers UK)

I have not posted in such a long time because I fell off the wagon with style, and well with the Christmas break… you get the picture.

So Christmas and New Year how was it? 3 and a half pounds on, and I enjoyed every minute of it! I know it is not going to be staying around for long so why stress myself out about it!

I have decided to steer clear of the 5+ boards, for some reason I have found them quite negative and a little bit obsessive over the Christmas period which made me feel rather uncomfortable about reading some of the things being posted. I did post a couple of times asking for help about PP and lunches but didn’t get any responses. It feels to me that it has become a bit cliquey for my liking, it’s all well and good making friends but don’t alienate others who use it.

I chose not to make resolutions this year, but I did make a to do list, as follows;

1. Take a photo of myself at every weigh in. I have not really tracked my progress and this should be an easy way to do it. I am also going to taking my measurements on a regular basis, I have lapsed sooo badly.

2. Cook at least 3 meals during the working week. I have a terrible tendency to use ready meals or rely on cereal when I get home from work; I am determined to cook more.

3. Run (not walk) a 5K. This was one of the things on my list for last year and for various reasons (mainly laziness) I didn’t achieve it. I am determined to do it this year.

4. Develop a Love Life. Last year I wanted to find some friends in Colchester, and I think I have done that (hopefully). Next stop love life, I have no idea how to start with this point but it’s on the list so I will at least try. Possibly sorting out numbers 5 and 7 may help!

5. Wear more make up. It may seem stupid but I think for my self esteem and confidence I need to spend a bit more time making myself look good (better) even if I don’t necessarily feel it inside.

6. Buy less packaged fruit. I spend a fortune on it, it is quite obscene really, obviously a better choice than a chocolate bar but I buy it too often. More whole fruits for me.

7. Go to bed earlier. I am quite naughty and often stay up late (Ssshhh even on a school night) but not enough sleep is prematurely aging and I don’t want to hit 30 looking like I am 45.

8. Spend some time on me. With work and life it sometimes does not give me enough time to live, I am going to try and set aside 30 mins a day to spend on me not distracted by anything/anyone else.

9. Aim to eat Vegetarian for at least one day a week. Not only do I want to lose weight I want to be healthier and I don’t think eating huge amounts of meat is all that healthy

10. (Purposely) Exercise at least once a week. OK I walk all of the time, and the bonus points do rack up, yes they help but I want to do more. I don’t think I will ever be one of those people who are addicted to the gym, but I would like to be one of those people who enjoy exercise when they do it (I think this one might be a bit of a stretch)

11. Be happier at the end of 2011 than I was at the end of 2010. Nuff Said really

I have shared these with some of my WW buddies in class, mainly because you are more likely to achieve something if you feel accountable to others, so hopefully they should keep me on track.

As today was my first meeting of the New Year I have attached my first weigh in photo.

Happy 2011 Everyone

The one where I meet an Olympic Gold Medallist... (Originally posted 19th September 2010 on WeightWatchers UK)

Having just realised that I managed to Blog about my new bum tightening FitFlops and forget to give my weigh in result, I have also missed a weigh in. Oh How rubbish I am.

First Things first, so my weigh in 2 weeks ago was a goody, after putting on 3.5 lbs the previous week I managed to lose it all the following. Good job!

The bad new however is that the week that followed though intending to be super good was not sooo super good as it consisted of a trip to the zoo (great for bonus points but not so good when you top up with ice cream) my nephews 3rd birthday party (full of crisps sweeties and cake) and a very awesome hen weekend.

The hen weekend was awesome, a sandwich lunch, which was positively healthy followed by a facial, followed by a Jacuzzi, followed by a swim followed by a sauna, followed by a cold shower, followed by a Jacuzzi. It was the first time that I had word a swimsuit in about 10 years, I have realised however I have forgotten how to swim. I feel this was pretty major considering I got my wobberly bits out surrounded by some very slim and glamorous friends (all between size 8-10) and a male friend, a year ago this would have never happened!

All was well until the post swim munchies kicked in and there was the suggestion to have pudding before going out for our evening meal, so a large slice of chocolate cake, a shower, and a quick change later we hit the streets of Nottingham. We headed to La Tasca where we enjoyed an almost wholly vegetarian dinner. A great choice and I came away feeling I had eaten my five a day in one meal. As the evening progressed the sangria flowed, and we danced the night away entertained by quite a lot of men dressed as school girls. There was no trouble, no one got groped by letchy men and we all got to our hotel safe and sound, no one too worse for wear.

Woke up on Sunday with a terrible cold, and indulged in what can only be described as a MASSIVE breakfast, knowing no lunch would be had and it was a long time till home. Off to Manchester Velodrome I went where I met Rebecca Romero Olympic Gold Medallist from the Beijing Games, and very nice she was too. I even got to hold her gold medal (not a piece of jewellery you could wear very often as it is bloody heavy) that was really cool.

Another week till weigh in and the flu and TOTM resulted in a lot of Ribena being drunk, allot of Minstrals being eaten and allot of bread being eaten, and ALLOT of Lemsip. A pretty disastrous week as I couldn’t do any exercise and this has resulted in an impressive 4lb gain!

Cold has got better, but it has been replaced with a pretty impressive cough which is starting to feel like a chest infection... My new leader (another occurrence I have not mentioned) has said I should aim for a 2lb loss this week. I am not feeling too confident as the only thing that keeps my loss going is exercise, and currently I can’t even walk to the top of the road without wheezing like a 60 a day smoker.

Oh well onwards and downwards xx

Cheeks that you could crack walnuts between...(Originally Posted 5th September 2010 on WeightWatchers UK)

...Well that is what I am aiming for with my newest purchase. For my birthday I bought myself a pair of FitFlops and I have worn them everyday since.

Now I am a sucker for advertising, as well as anything that can help me tone up my back side, and therefore buying a pair was just a matter of time. However I must say after 2 weeks I can actually feel the muscles in my legs and bum work a bit harder, and my feet dont feel half as tired from walking as they usually do. And anything that can help me be a little bit more toned cant be a bad thing.

I wonder if you earn extra bonus points when you wear the, Mmmmm........

I Deserve it! (Originally Posted 30th August 2010 on WeightWatchers UK)

Well weigh in day has been and gone, and all in all I gained 3 1/2 pounds. For many this would be devestating, however for me I feel relieved that it is not as bad as I thought!

Here follows a list of all of the naughty things I have indulged in over the last week and a bit and you make your own judgement;

  • M&S Lemon Swiss roll
  • M&S Coffee Swiss roll
  • Ben & Jerry's Fairly Nuts Ice cream
  • Ben & Jerry's Caramel Chew Chew Ice cream
  • Bounty bar x2
  • Percy Pig's
  • Magnum Ice cream
  • x2 Ice cream Cones
  • Walkers Crisps
  • Mini Cheddars
  • Fruit Pastill Ice lollys
  • Lasagne
  • Goats Cheese bagel
  • Pizza Hut Pizza
  • Chinese Takeaway
  • Cobra Beer
  • Red wine
  • Birthday Cake
  • Lindor Chocolates
  • Chocolate Fridge cake
  • Pain au Chocolate
  • Mapel and Pecan Danish
  • M&S Cinnamon Bun
  • M&S Chocolate Bun
Am I the only one who feels sick from reading that list!

Damn you Mr Kipling... Damn You! (Originally Posted 28 August 2010 on WeightWatchers UK)

First week of being 29 almost done, has this meant new year new me?

Well yes and no, yes in the respect that I have made a new friend, I call him K but you guys will know his as Mr Kipling, and he makes exceedingly good cakes.

No in the respect that I am still undiscplined and keep forgetting to point my meals.

As you can proably guess not a good week, and weigh in is tomorrow. Oh dear.

My Holiday is over as of Tuesday so hopefully Me and Mr K can part ways and I can return to my weightwatcher ways. I am bridesmaid at a wedding in 6 weeks so I am planning to lose a few pounds before then fingers and toes crossed.

I am now off to the supermarket to try and burn off the m&S lasange I had for lunch and the chinese takeaway I had for dinner. Oh dear.

Weigh in Day Dread and (nearly) turning 30 (Originally Posted 23 August 2010 on WeightWatchers UK)

Another Sunday and another weigh in day, 1/2 lb bites the dust.

I have to say it is truly a miracle I must say considering the week I have had. Having not made my meeting last week I had the WW funk, and couldn’t get in to the swing of things. Being my birthday today also it has meant I have indulged in Nando’s during the week accompanied by a bottle of wine AND a Pizza Hut Pizza and cheese and Bacon Potato skins. I would like to add not all on the same day.

I am going to assume that the stress I have been under at work has helped in me losing the weight as I have been so busy I haven’t had time to pluck my eyebrows let alone go grocery shopping.

I must say that this week I am aiming to be a good girl, mainly because I have the week off and do not have an excuse not to go running, or make meals from scratch.

However I do have a naughty week I am sure I could find one!

A long, long time ago … (originally Posted 18 August 2010 on WeightWatchers UK)

I have started this blog mainly because, well I can, and though I do not have the expectation that many or indeed, if any one will read it, I want to air some weight loss daemons and give my self a kick in the shins to do better.

So what better way to start my blog than to begin at the beginning of my weight loss journey?

In 1999, I was 18, just started university and was an athletic size 14. At 10st 4lbs and 5’4” I did not consider myself overweight although as most women would, though I would looked better a few pounds lighter. Knowing what I know now I was within my healthy weight range, and pretty darn fit.

Well imagine my surprise then, when attending my new patient physical to be told tat I was overweight and needed to lose weight. You would of though this is when I started to diet? But no, this was the impetus for a cycle of drinking too much and binge eating. The nurse who weighed me made me feel so awful about myself, I started my first year of uni with so little confidence that I ate and drank my way through 3 years of university, resulting in me putting on a whopping 5 stone in weight.

On graduating and not knowing hat to do with myself I moved back home, weighing a little over 15st. Over the next couple of years my weight stabilised and I became resigned to the fact that I was big and actually at size 18 nothing wobbled too much and I looked OK in clothes.

Things changed when I got a new job. I had been on secondment to the training department for a year, and soon after they offered me a permanent position. All was well at first, I liked who I worked with and they (seemed) to like me. However after 9 months the bullying started, and this trigged a deeper bout of depression that lasted 2 years, which in turn caused old habits to return, binge eating and drinking, indulging in large portions enough for two, eating takeaways 4 or 5 times a week.

Then a wonderful thing happened… I was offered voluntary redundancy, and I leapt at the chance. I hated my Job so much that even the thought of unemployment didn’t scare me. And this was when I began to turn my life around.

On my first day of my new life I weighed myself; the scales said a horrifying 17st 10lbs. I knew life needed to change. Over the next six months life was hard but stress free, with no job I couldn’t afford to binge eat or drink too much in the pub, or get takeaways, and under my own steam I got down to 16st 12lbs.

Another life changer then occurred, I got offered a new job that would take me away from the industry I was working in, to a new town where I knew no one. To many people this would be scary, but to me it was like a fresh start where I could reinvent myself.

After a month in the job, my team and I were off to an awards ceremony in London, to be presented by Eamon Holmes, and after the team walking away with 2 of the awards, we enjoyed photos with the man himself.

It was after seeing those pictures I decided to join weight watchers. I saw myself standing at the end, and I was aghast, it was like looking at another person, I knew I was big, but I didn’t know that’s how other people saw me. Six days later on a rather cold and wet Tuesday evening, I walked in to my first weight watchers meeting with 6st 12lbs to lose.

Eamon Holmes I thank you

Hello Internet

Well first things first… Why the hell have I started a Blog?
Well I have started my new life, new town, new job, new industry, new friends, and new me.  After being inspired by so many other people’s blogs I thought I would have a go at inspiring my self.

OK who cares if no one ever reads it?  I am doing this for me and my own sanity, so if you have just come across my blog, and your curiosity has got the better of you, Hello!  And sorry, I ramble.

One of the first things I am doing is to post all of my ‘Old’ blogs from my WeightWatchers blog and from my Facebook group here so they are all in the same place, and then this place won’t feel so naked.

Neska x