Sunday, 24 June 2012

Sunday 24th June 2012 – The one where I …Talk about the weekly meeting and want to say it how it is

Staying Slimmer in the Summer

This weeks meeting was about discussing the pitfalls relating to weight loss during the summer months and strategies of how to overcome these
Quite frankly here in the UK we have not had the greatest summer (here is hoping we’ll at least get some sun!) but despite the miserable weather (torrential rain and flash flooding) many of the challenges we face following a weight loss plan are exacerbated during the summer months.


When the sun comes out, tops come off and we all head outside to a beer garden/back garden.  It seems totally counter intuitive sitting in the sun drinking alcohol, but it is a lovely way to spend an evening, especially if you have had a long day at work.  As such there is a pitfall where you may end up drinking more than you usually would, on a day that you wouldn’t usually drink.

Britain is not a nation of barbeque heroes, however when there is a glimmer of sunshine (and indeed when there is not) the barbeques of the UK come out in force and then to proceed to char any number of food stuffs over hot coals. 

It is also at these occasions that over eating/drinking can occur.  Generally speaking barbequing is a healthy way to cook and you often have a number of salad choices.  But how many of us stop at just one burger (veggie or otherwise)? Or Sausage? Corn cob?  I do find this peculiar that when at home very few of us would make ourselves a ‘platter’ of food, with numerous burgers, sausages, fish, chicken etc?  Most of us would stop at one or two; the idea of eating outside/standing up seems to do very peculiar things to people appetites.

So what to do?  It would be so easy for me to say ‘Don’t drink, don’t eat’ but personally that isn’t what I’d do and I don’t want to be hypercritical.  So let’s get back to basics, Weight Watchers is not a diet it is a healthy eating plan, and within that plan you can have anything that you want (in moderation of course), so if you want to head out for a post work drink, do it.  Only make sure you put it on your tracker.  If you want to eat 4 spicy bean burgers (really do you WANT to eat 4 spicy bean burgers, REALLY?!) put it on your tracker, follow your hunger signals, look out for filling and healthy options, use your 49 weekly points, be a bit more active too make up the shortfall.

 Just because you are going out with your friends it doesn’t mean that you have to stuff your face with wild abandon, but equally you don’t have to be the party pooper, sitting in the corner drinking water and nibbling on bread sticks complaining you can’t eat anything because you are on a diet. 

Use some common sense and if you want to, you can stick to the plan and you can still lose weight, if you want to splurge and put on a few pounds, that is OK too.  Just don’t be too upset when the inevitable happens and you gain a few  (did you really believe that old adage that if you eat standing up it don’t have any calories!)


Ahhh the all inclusive holiday, a newish invention that has been the bane of holiday waistlines across the UK.  OK yes very often all you can eat, you are not in control of what is being cooked, you want to relax, Fuck the Diet!
Although you are not in control of what is being provided, you are in control over what you are actually going to eat. 

You need to have realistic expectations about what you want to see on the scales when you get back from holiday.  When we are on holiday you want to relax, and part of that is indulging in little treats.  But ask you self the question, how much do I want to gain?  And be honest, do you really want to gain 10 Lbs over 1 week?  10 Lbs that’s has taken you 5 weeks to lose?  If that is OK with you, great, if it isn’t what can you do as damage limitation?  Move more (swim I the pool not just sit by it), eat in moderation (yes it is ‘free’ but does it really mean you have to eat three of everything?), don’t drink alcohol during the day limit it to the evening (this is a health issue as well as a weight issue).

Relax and have fun, you don’t necessarily want to be thinking about your weight whilst you are on holiday, but do you really want to wake up every morning of your holiday with a hangover?  Do you really want to have to consume a family pack of Rennies to deal with your food hangover?  Treat your body well, you only have one of them.

Self Confidence: 

During the summer months self confidence can take a little bit of a nose dive.  During the cooler months you can hide yourself away a bit under layers of clothes if you do not feel confident about your body.  In the summer with shorter sleeves, shorter hemlines and fewer layers, our well constructed armor of clothing gets removed.  You don’t have to have issues with your weight to feel this pressure; recent shocking studies have found that 90% of women feel unhappy with their bodies.  However when you are struggling with your weight seeing others wearing clothes you wish you could wear can knock a little bit of the wind out of you, especially when you may feel sweaty or be suffering with chafing (yes people I said chafing!).

 Quite frankly unless it’s indecent you should be able to wear what the hell you like and say bollocks to anyone who may have a problems with it.  There are plenty of ‘larger’ folks who are out there who wear their bikinis/shorts et al with pride.  I feel so jealous of this self confidence.  I know that I am not alone about feeling that my wardrobe choices are limited because of my size.

I love clothes, I like to bust out some interesting clothing combinations, just because I am chunky it doesn't mean that I am any less interested in fashion/beauty, and in fact I am probably more aware of it as I want to make sure that the clothes I do pick look good and flatter.

If any of you are like me, when my self esteem takes a crash I go for the ‘comfort’ of food.  Lots of it.  Full of salt sugar and saturated fat. This can really knock any weight loss efforts I have made out of the window.

This point is a really tough one to overcome, but I want you to remember that most women short/tall/fat/thin have body issues, just because someone is smaller doesn’t mean they have any fewer body hang ups than you do and don’t feel any less self conscious.

So my advice here? Treat yourself well, don’t punish your body because it doesn’t look the way you want it too. It is really hard to say to people 'Love your Body' because it is such a hard thing to do, but do look after it and treat it well. Show off the bits you like. Stop comparing yourself with others.

I wish I was taller, had longer legs and smaller thighs. All of the wishing in the world is not going to change anything.  But I have luxurious hair, pert bosoms and a cracking arse (pun intended).  Take compliments, when people say you look nice, don’t think they are taking the piss, accept, it will make you feel a whole lot better.

OK I’ve been dwelling on the negatives but what opportunities does the summer give us to help us boost our weight loss?

Setting goals:  Some times the summer can knock our self confidence a bit (see above) but rather than let it batter it down, use it as a time to set yourself goals for next summer.

 There was a time when, come the summer months, I would be firmly ensconced in jeans, no matter what the weather, feeling hot and uncomfortable.  After joining Weight Watchers the following summer I was wearing skirts and dresses with leggings, this year I have been bear legged, and next year?  I am planning to make next summer the year I wear shorts (not short shorts, lets not get crazy).

Summer is a great time of year to visualise yourself next year.  Lets be realistic having images of myself looking as good as Kelly Brook in a bikini is slightly over reaching, but setting yourself realsitic goals is something we can all do.

Getting Active:  OK up until now (the sun is currently shining and it’s about 20 Degrees Celsius out) getting active outdoors has not been too appealing, but with the onset of the sunny weather getting active is hardly a chore.  Taking a walk in the evening sunshine rather than sitting on my arse watching TV is a pleasure.  Going for a bike ride to/along the seaside, playing Frisbee with the kids in the park, taking the dog for a walk in the woods, these things become something to enjoy when the sun is shining and not a chore it is a joy and an excuse to revel in the good weather that we get too infrequently in the UK.

It’s also a great opportunity to get out in your gardens (yes gardening is an activity too) weeding, planting, pruning and colleting the fruits of your labors (literally).  Washing the car, some vigorous scrubbing buffing (Ooo Sexy lol).  Clearing the guttering, up and down ladders (Not quite so sexy).  Having a go on the kids bouncy castle (strap’em down ladies), running away from a freighted heard of sheep.  Just because you are not wearing gym gear doesn’t mean it’s not activity.  Like the advert says every little helps.

Healthier Foods:  Summer is the fruition of the growing season and at this time of year there are so many fresh fruits and vegetables that are coming in to season, so not only are they low in prop points they are tasty and generally cheaper!

Summer weather is when I WANT to choose lighter (as as a consequence healthier) meals.  Salads are often unappealing in winter months, but with a plethora of fresh veggies and warmer weather salads is my meal of choice when the sun comes out.

 So when you are eating out or shopping in the super market, do you really want to eat the same foods that you can eat at any old time of the year?  Crisps, chocolates, pasties, cakes? When you can eat foods that are only going to be at their best for a few months/weeks of the year?  Buying local and in season, not only tastes wonderful, but helps the local economy and also you own pocket.

So like everything, taking on the summer is all about balance.  Yes there will be challenges, but that is true with everything in life.

Make the most of the sunshine, its not going to be long before (more) rain and autumnal weather return to our shores.  Get outside and enjoy it!

Do you find it easier to be healthy when the sun comes out?  Do you have any ideas of healthy activities/foods to make the most of this summer?