The 28th of October, was both the best, and worst days of Violas life.
She stood wearing her wedding dress, modest, unembellished, white and luminous. She was there in her bare feet, her blue satin ballet pumps neatly placed by the bed, she gazed out of the window taking in the sight of the lights, the tourists, the the life, the soul, the existence below. As she looked, she felt as if the the scene below mirrored the way she was feeling, electric, connetic, alive. Never in the years that had been before, had she felt as she did in that moment, invincible and protected.
Ben put his hand around her waist and his chin on her shoulder, following her gaze to the scene below.
"What are you thinking Mrs Wentworth?"
"Well Mr Wentworth, I am thinking that out of all of the brides in all of the world, that has ever been, I am the happiest". She turned her head to look at him and cupped his head
"And I think that, I, have the best husband in the world". She kissed him lightly on the lips and looked in to the depths of his brown eyes".
"I think I am the lucky one, I have no idea what you can see in a guy like me, you're, you are, quite frankly, amazing".
They stared at each other with wrapt attention. It was in that moment, that the chip of doubt that had been nestled in her heart had finally disappeared. She had done the right thing, he was the right man. She had decided on her own, using her own judgment, her own standards. Yes Ben was unemployed, ill at ease in social settings and had an accent that you could cut with a knife, but none of those things ever mattered to Viola. He loved her for her, and she, she loved him for being him.