11 Things for 2011?
set out in 2011 with a to-do list for 2011 so before heading in 2012 I thought
I would see how well or not I did. 2011
has been a rollercoaster year, especially with the illnesses of both my Mum and
Dad. However I am looking forward
Take a photo of myself
at every weigh in. I have not really tracked my
progress and this should be an easy way to do it. – This
one I failed miserably at, I’ll probably give it another go, but I am not
making any promises!
Cook at least 3 meals
during the working week. I have a terrible tendency to
use ready meals or rely on cereal when I get home from work; I am determined to
cook more. – This I have managed to do, up until I
became ill in September
Run (not walk) a 5K. This was one of the things on my list for
last year and for various reasons (mainly laziness) I didn’t achieve it. I am determined to do it this year. – Yay I did this. OK
I did it slowly but I did it. This was
one of my major achievements this year, I remember when I started I could
barely run 50 yards
Develop a Love Life. Last year I wanted to find some friends in
Colchester, and I think I have done that (hopefully). Next stop love life, I have no idea how to
start with this point but it’s on the list so I will at least try. Possibly sorting out numbers 5 and 7 may help! – Another epic fail. Possibly
a little bit ambitious, because I have no idea where to start! Another
Wear more make up. It may seem stupid but I think for my self
esteem and confidence I need to spend a bit more time making myself look good
(better) even if I don’t necessarily feel it inside. – This has
happened! Saturdays and Sundays I
prettify even if I am just popping to Tesco.
Also unusually I have been putting on make up to go to work… just a
little bit.
6. Buy less packaged fruit. I spend a fortune on it, it is quite obscene
really, obviously a better choice than a chocolate bar but I buy it too
often. More whole fruits for me. – Although still a part of my diet, I have eaten loads of
whole fruits. Figs, persimmons, grapes
and Satsuma’s have been the go-to fruits this year.
Go to bed earlier. I am quite naughty and often stay up late
(Ssshhh even on a school night) but not enough sleep is prematurely aging and I
don’t want to hit 30 looking like I am 45. – Actually much to
my surprise I have been setting my alarm to make sure I am in bed for 10.30.
Spend some time on me. With work and life it sometimes does not give
me enough time to live, I am going to try and set aside 30 mins a day to spend
on me not distracted by anything/anyone else. – I have
kind of done this; I have been spending at least 30 mins reading (also improving
my brain). I had also aimed to try to
blog every day (for a bit). So this is a
9. Aim to eat Vegetarian for at least one day a week. Not only do I want to lose weight I want to
be healthier and I don’t think eating huge amounts of meat is all that healthy – I’ve done well with this, veggie stir-fry’s, goats cheese
pies, roasted vegetable quiches, all great meal alternatives.
(Purposely) Exercise at
least once a week. OK I walk all of the time, and
the bonus points do rack up, yes they help but I want to do more. I don’t think I will ever be one of those
people who are addicted to the gym, but I would like to be one of those people
who enjoy exercise when they do it (I think this one might be a bit of a
stretch) – Thank god for Zumba! I have been pretty
active over the last year. I have jogged
more and I have developed a love for Zumba.
Such a pity my class isn’t running in 2012, going to have to find a new
one because I certainly don’t want to give it up.
Be happier at the end of
2011 than I was at the end of 2010. Nuff Said really – Was feeling
rather depressed this time last year. OK
I have had a few low points in 2011, and quite frankly I can’t wait to see the
back of this year and start 2012. But I
am feeling so positive about the coming year and this is a definite tick.
So bring on 2012! And my 12 things to do in 2012…
New Year everyone!