Today is an auspicious day!
Today is my 32nd birthday!
At approximately 7am on the 22nd of August 1981 in Yeovil hospital my parents greeted me in to the world. Possibly a little disappointed that I wasn't a boy, but hey, what they got was even better right!?!

So to help me make the most of the next year I have written myself a todo list.
My challenge should I choose to accept it is to complete (or at least try to complete) each of these things over the coming year. So without to much of an ado, I present.....
32 Things to Do at 32
Work1. Get a job
2. Do some freelance work
3. Get business cards printed
4. Create my own (business) website
5. Get something I have written 'published' (either in print or online)
Health and Fitness
6. Eat a Vegetarian diet at least twice a week
7. Aim to exercise at least twice a week
8. Finally drop that dress size I have been trying to do for the last 3 years
9. Limit takeaway food to once per month
10. Run the race for life, and beat this years time
11. Develop a love life (Date, meet people, flirt)
12. Go on a proper holiday
13. Volunteer/get involved in a cause I believe in
14. Pass my driving test
15. Start properly saving
Things to do
16. Visit my friends across the country
17. Go to a sports game
18. Dye my hair
19. Go to a convention
20. Write more
Fun Stuff
21. Develop a hobby, something I will do regularly
22. Go to the cinema more regularly
23. Go to the theatre more
24. Get more involved in online communities
25. Get a Tattoo
Things to complete
26. Watch all of the BFI Top 50 films of all time
27. Read all of the BBC Big Read top 100 books
28. Listen to all of the Guardians top 50 albums that changed music
29. Watch all of the season of The Wire
Things to buy
30. Get a bicycle
The most important things to do
31. Finish writing my bloody book
32. End my 32nd year happier than my 31st
So that's my list. Seems a bit daunting now they are typed up and numbered, rather than being vague ideas flailing about in my head.... Oh gosh.
Wish me luck! I am determined that 32 is going to be my best year yet.
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