Thursday 5 January 2012

12 Things for 2012

12 Things for 2012

Last year I set out in January with a list of things to do/achieve, the majority of which I achieved.  Unlike resolutions I haven’t set these in stone, they are just a list of things I want to get done at some point.

1.    To Finish 2012 at a lighter weight than I did 2011.  I have always been rather wary of setting myself unrealistic expectations in relation to my weight loss.  However after the spur my ‘Birthday Weight Loss Challenge’ gave me, I think that setting specific targets with dates attached will be motivating rather than disheartening.  I have set specific goals related to my weight loss over the year, but my main ambition is just to end he year lighter than I entered it.

2.    Wear a size 14 Bridesmaids dress.  I haven’t just said this for the hell of it.  I have been asked to be a bridesmaid for my lovely friend Sarah (who I met through Weight Watchers).  The wedding is planned for December, and having hovered around a 16 (sometimes bigger sometimes smaller) I would love to get in to a 14 in time for the nuptials.

3.    Run (not walk) a 10K.  To run a 5K was something I achieved last year.  This year I want a bit more of a challenge, so I think a 10K will offer me that.  Wish me luck, I think that this going to be hard!

4.    Go on a Date.  Last year I set a task of ‘developing a love life’.  This was a little ambitious, as I had no Idea of how to start.  This year I still want it on my list.  I have been single for such a long time it is quite frankly unhealthy (and a little bit sad).  So I have set my target low… 1 date, in the whole 12 months… I can do that… Can’t I?

5.    Drink More.  I feel that I am perpetually dehydrated; I do not drink enough, of anything, in the day.  I am not going to state the stupid figure of 8 glasses of water per day, totally unappetizing, but I want to make sure I have at least 3 drinks whilst at work.  I have previously got home to realize that I have not had a drink all day.  If I’m not careful my kidneys are going to start to protest.

6.    Get more involved online.  This one is borrowed from it sux to be fat.  I have been really lax in getting involved in the blogging community, commenting on blogs, discovering new blogs, posting in my facebook group and tweeting.  OK it’s not like I have a massive following, but what is the point in writing a blog if I don’t get involved.

7.    Drink less coffee.  Anyone who has seen my daily food posts may notice that I have a BIG love for Costa Skinny Cappuccinos.  The benefit of having a point’s card is that occasionally you get a free coffee.  I have been getting a lot of free coffees.  Instead of having my ‘once a week’ post weigh in coffee, I had been visiting 2/3 times a week.  This can’t go on! Drinking a double shot at 6pm generally means I am not getting to sleep until late.  I’m past 30 now; I need all of the beauty sleep I can get!  So bye bye mid week coffee.

8.    Write on my Blog.  This one is related to number 6.  I started this blog and then had a big gap when I failed to post anything.  I hate that when I am following a blog, so why on earth should I do that myself.? It may be a bit ambitious to say I will post every day (although if I am feeling super motivated I may well do) so I am going to aim to post at least once a week…Hopefully

9.    See my friends more.  Last year with family illnesses, I spent most of my time off at home with the parents looking after them.  Quite frankly I neglected my friends, both at home and far and wide.  I stopped texting, Facebooking, calling and I didn’t go visiting.  So I am determined to make more of an effort with texts, phone calls, letters and visits this year…weather they want to see me or not!

10.          Read more books.  I love books and reading, but I am so sporadic in doing so.  I’ll go through a phase when I will read a book a week for 2 months and then not pick one up for another 3.  I also tend to go for the familiar tomes I have on the shelf, even though I have a little stock of books I have not read.  So I will aim for a book a month, and make reading part of my routine.

11.          Carry on with all of the things I achieved in 2011:  Well why bother doing them if I’m not going to keep it up!

12.          Be happier at the end of 2012 than I was at the end of 2011.  2012 is looking bright, granted it is only the 5th, but what the hell, start as you mean to go on!

 Happy New Year everyone!

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