Friday 4 November 2011

Friday 4th November - Day 6 - The one where I get soaked in the rain and didn't go to the pub

Breakfast on the Train... Classy
Friday 4th November 


X1 Ski Strawberry Yogurt: 2PP

X1 WeightWatchers BBQ Snacks: 2PP
X10 Cashew Nuts: 10PP

X6 Slices Pizza Hut Veggie Supreme Small Pizza: 18
X1 Tbs Garlic & Herb Dip: 1
X1 Can Pepsi Max: 0

X1 Rich Toffee Bar: 2PP
X1 Costa Medio Cappuccino & 1 Brown Sugar : 2PP
X2 Costa Chocolate Chunk Cookies: 4PP
X5 Almonds

Points used: 36
Weekly Points used: that'd be 0 as I used them all yesterday!
But had a couple of BP's
Points Earned: 8 - Nearly 7 miles today, mostly in rain

It's still fitting in Lunch with work. I don't have a 'set' time for lunch, and I travel loads during the day so when it is 'lunch time' I am often sitting on a bus or train somewhere in Essex. No one has really given me a solution for some thing that is portable, light and not messy. The only thing that has really worked for me in this respect is slim fast and I am definatley not going there again.

Still wearing the Pedometer, not forgotten it all week and it's great to see what exercise I have done... Often it's more than I realise.

Its the weekend! Saturday comes with its own challenges. The feeling you have in Saturday morning when you wake up and realise you don't have to go to work and the world is your lobster is magical.

Often that freedom can extend to an attitude of 'I can eat what I like because it is the weekend'. For those folks who are within their healthy weight range and are not looking to loose any weight, go fill your boots. For me (and others like me) some times the weekend can lead to falling off the wagon BIG TIME. My weigh in is on Sunday morning so generally speaking I never go too bonkers on a Saturday, but then impromptu trips to the pub/meals out can occur.

So plan of action, up early :( I've got washing to do! And I have an appointment with a health trainer. Following on from a rather passive aggressive visit to the nurse she recommended that I go due to my weight issue. I was rather ambivalent to going, however as it is a free service I thought 'why not' its not like I get the benefit of much of the money I pay through tax/national insurance . That's at 10.30 am, and then off to do a 'little bit' of shopping. Then home, cup of tea, housework, another cup of tea, a little nap, book, Merlin, Dinner, Bed. A few PP earned and up bright and fresh for weigh in on Sunday morning.


Alright still in points, could be healthier though... It is soooo difficult to make sure I get a proper lunch. Still a work in progress.

PS. Look what I saw in the Metro whilst on the train today.
Big up to WeightWatchers, I think is you asked most WW members they would be able to tell you that!

Suck on that Nurse Lucy!

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