Sunday 6 November 2011

Sunday 6th November 2011 – Day 8 – The one when I talk about the meeting and weigh in

Gosh, it’s been a week. I have blogged every day, nothing terribly exciting mind you, but I have blogged. I have to say in many respects it has worked. I am far more conscious of what I am eating now as I am going to have to broadcast it to the world! To admit I had a skanky McDonald's made me feel a little bit ashamed, as I know how bad it is for you, but I suppose with everything moderation is the key.

So a summery of the week: Positive, Dehydrated, Good, Knackered, Grumpy, Caffeinated, Passive-Aggressive (I wouldn’t like to hang out with those Dwarfs)

Bonus Points Earned:  37 (I am a walking machine)

So drum roll please weigh in result is…….-1.5lbs

Today’s Meeting:
We have mainly been discussing...Food labeling...
I have to say not one of the most inspiring topics but useful all of the same. Not that we really talked too much about labels to tell you the truth.
Today we had a trainee leader, Angie, take the meeting, and it was great to meet her. She started off a little bit nervous, but you can see she has the potential to become a great leader. It was great to hear her story, she has lost 5st (70Lbs), and she looks fantastic, as this is the amount of weight I still have to lose it was really inspiring to find out about her weight loss journey.

Following on from the meeting last week on positivity, I started to think about how motivating other people’s journeys are. I did talk about using others as 'thinspiration' last week, but I did not realize how much of an impact following others weight loss journeys really has on me.
The new WW magazine has just come out, it is one of my 'must buys'. The first section I look at is the success stories, I find them so uplifting and reassuring that the plan works. The same for the website, I love looking at the success stories online, as well as people posting in the community how well they have done at their weigh in.

No matter how much I may enjoy them however, I do often find myself getting frustrated that the magazines will frequently feature people who have only* lost a moderate amount of weight and I would love a few more features on bigger losers, after all I have loads to lose and I want to see someone who reflects my journey. That is why I found it so inspiring to meet Angie today.

I found it reassuring that Angie was able to talk about the fact that not every thing about her weight loss was easy. That honesty, though for some may find off putting, I find refreshing and relatable. One of the things I love about my leader Suzanne is that she isn't perfect when it comes to WeightWatchers, and that she is going through the same ups and down as her members. This makes her so much more approachable and you know that when you discuss that you maybe struggling with her, that she has been through exactly the same situation. I don't think there is anything worse (when it comes to WeightWatchers, I know there are plenty of worse things in life) than a leader you cannot relate to.

Post Meeting sporting new Hat
Scarf and Gloves. Cute Huh! Lol
I am always on the look out for someone that can be a role model for me (I know it is a bit of a tough ask, 30, single, stupidly busy job, non-driver, PCOS sufferer, 5st to lose... Anyone?!?!...Didn't think so) but I suppose there are aspects of many people that I can take inspiration from even if they are not exactly like me in every respect.

So a big thank you to Angie and Suzanne, all of the folks on WeightWatchers online and in the magazine for sharing their success stories, for all of you on the community message boards sharing your highs and lows, for all of the members at my meeting and all of my WW buddies. Thanks to all of you for inspiring me to do better. One day I'll get there and hope to inspire you guys in return.

*I say only like its a bad thing! Please do not misconstrue my comment as dismissive to their journeys, any weight loss no matter how large or small is an achievement.

Sunday 6th November
x1 Costa Cappuccino & 1 Sugar: 2P
X1 Costa Banana & Pecan Breakfast Loaf: 11PP


x1 M&S Ciabatta Olive Roll: 7PP
x1 M&S Beef Lasagne: 18PP
x1 Belgian Bun (With no Cherry, what’s going on with that?!): 11PP

x1 WeightWatchers Chocolate & Vanilla Biscuit: 2PP

Points used: 51PP
Weekly Points used: 19 but not all of them babies

Points Earned: 0PP Mainly laying down...

Not to eat all of my weeklies! I mainly achieved this because it was sooo cold today (the first 'proper' day of Autumn) I left town without completing all of my shopping and couldn’t be bothered to head to the pound shop to stock up on snacks lol. Have been enjoying a lazy afternoon in my room watching a crap film snuggled under a fleece blanket. Bliss.

OK no pedometer today, certainly with the tightness of my dress that was not going to happen!

I did not eat all of my weeklies. I have enjoyed my treat of lasagne (considering I don’t like cheese I often wonder why I like it so much) and a cake, but I do not need to eat anything more.

I do not have anything planned socially over the next week (I seriously need to sort that shit out, I am starting to take it personally that my friends don't want to hang out with me) but I really want to save those points for some booze. I have not had a drink in I-don’t-know-how-long and with all of the work stress that I am under I am feeling the urge. However I hate drinking on my own so they may very well get spent on some Pizza next weekend.

Another day of stupid busyness, I am going to struggle to eat and drink for most of the day, however I have got dinner for tomorrow planned and ready to go therefore I am not going to use the 'well I haven't eaten all day' excuse to pig out on crap. Fingers crossed.

Verdict: Feeling better, and the most positive I have been for a while


  1. Going to have to take it back about WW magazine this month, just had a look at the success stories… 4 Ladies who have lost over 5st each, one losing 14st 7lbs! Amazing.
    I just wish they would space them over the year a bit more

  2. You are fantastic Vanessa and I know you will get there. I hope to see you as a WW Leader one day and I know that you will be fab. The meeting was lovely, with Angie getting so much interest. I love great trainees!
